
5-Reps: ‘Future skills’, referral culture, and making business simple again

Happy 5-Reps Friday!

Moving on, here are 2 coaching concepts, 2 business nuggets, and a quote to consider this week.

2 Coaching Concepts


Our clients are humans with real lives.

And those lives can be tough.

Great trainers know to read the client in front of them that day, and veer away from the plan if necessary.

Read Amy’s story


2 Business Nuggets


A lot more people fail because they don’t have enough sales than go under from a lack of a logo.

Beware of false progress.


Prepare yourself for the future by doubling down on ‘Future Skills’

  • Communication skills (writing, presenting, storytelling, listening)
  • Interpersonal skills (conflict resolution, leadership, social intelligence)
  • Critical Thinking Skills (empathy, judgement, ethics)
  • Money skills (budgeting, wealth management, investment)

Ironically, the more technology progresses, the more valuable the human element in business will become.

1 Quote to Consider

“Your social media bubble represents maybe 0.01% of what goes on in the world that affects you and likely closer to 0.000000001% of what goes on in the world at large.”

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I went from a career where I could wear sweatpants (personal trainer) to one where I don’t have to wear pants (author). Follow me for more career advice.


P.S. The best compliment you can give a Dad

Read this if you haven’t registered for QuickCoach.Fit yet.

I encourage you to try it out.

But don’t put any pressure on yourself.

Don’t feel like you need to move your clients over there or anything like that right away.

Just test it out.

When you sign up, we’ve already set you up as your first client.

Use yourself as a test client

Test it out. Play around. See if it’ll work for you or not.

And if not, you don’t lose anything. It’s free.

But don’t feel like there’s all this pressure to do everything at once.

Just go step by step by step.

So register your account please today. It’s free.

Here’s the link to get started:

–> QuickCoach registration


Jonathan Goodman

Coach. Author. World explorer. But mostly, Dad.

Thanks for reading. Here’s a few additional ways that I may be able to help you.


Instagram: @itscoachgoodman

Podcast: The Obvious Choice

Software: QuickCoach


Book: Ignite the Fire

Course: Online Trainer Academy

Mentorship: Online Trainer Mentorship

Enrol now. Or just say Hi!
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