
5-Reps: Logos, vision, and why the 10,000 step rule is nonsense

Happy 5-Reps Friday!

Moving on, here are 2 coaching concepts, 2 business nuggets, and a quote to consider this week.

2 Coaching Concepts


A realistic exercise results timeline:

Day 1: Improved mood + brain function.

Week 1: Improved energy + health.

Month 1: Improved metabolism, muscle mass, and fitness.

Month 3: Noticeable in-the-mirror results.

Month 6: Compliments begin.

1 year+: Increased life expectancy.


The 10,000 steps rule isn’t based on science.

It was a marketing campaign used to sell pedometers by a Japanese company in 1965.

Why 10,000?

Because the Japanese character for 10,000 looks like a man walking.

Steps are valuable. But there’s nothing special about 10,000.

The story

2 Business Nuggets


As you go about building your business, there are lots of easy tasks, and one hard task.

Easy tasks:

  • Setting up a legal corporation,
  • Designing a logo,
  • Creating content,
  • Buying the ‘best’ mic, camera, etc.
  • Building a website, and
  • Writing down ideas.

Hard task:

  • Selling.

I’ve seen a lot more people fail because they didn’t have enough sales, than I’ve seen go under from a lack of a logo.


You know the designations and qualifications that matter; others don’t. Get educated so you can develop a good product or service but don’t expect your education or credentials to help you sell it.

Nothing about your product or service matters if you don’t know what matters to the human buying. Once you know what they want, highlight one thing and tell them why it solves their problem. The easier you make their decision, the more obvious the choice the purchase will be.

Here’s your test: If they feel like they can justify to their spouse why they bought the thing based off of one fact, figure, spec, credential, or aspect of your background, they’ll buy. Just one.

1 Quote to Consider

“Having a vision for your business is like reading Twitter your entire life and then discovering that there’s such a thing as books. The world stops being scary and overwhelming and frustrating and begins to make sense.”

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Just found out that I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. That sucks. Anyway, hope you’re good,


P.S. Who thinks of this?

Please follow @itscoachgoodman on Instagram

For daily coaching tips, business advice, and fitness inspiration, please follow me on Instagram.

–> @itscoachgoodman

It’s where I publish most often.

Also, I do loads of giveaways in my story.

If you do choose to follow, know that you’re always welcome to comment and/or send me a message. I’d love to hear from you. Truly.


Here’s a direct link to my page or you can just search @itscoachgoodman on IG. Hope to chat soon.

Jonathan Goodman

Coach. Author. World explorer. But mostly, Dad.

Thanks for reading. Here’s a few additional ways that I may be able to help you.


Instagram: @itscoachgoodman

Podcast: The Obvious Choice

Software: QuickCoach


Book: Ignite the Fire

Course: Online Trainer Academy

Mentorship: Online Trainer Mentorship

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