
5-Reps: Top Takeaways from 3 days of Learning

Happy 5-Reps Friday!

Last week I attended the Raise the Bar Conference. In today’s email I’m sharing my top takeaways.

Here are 2 coaching concepts, 2 business nuggets, and a quote to consider this week.

2 Coaching Concepts


A question all coaches must ask themselves if they want to be great:

How good are you at being more excited about somebody other than yourself?

Credit: Martin Rooney


Most clients begin an exercise routine for extrinsic motivators but they continue for intrinsic ones.

Extrinsic: Looks, performance, health

Intrinsic: Enjoyment, social interaction, community, how it makes them feel

Credit: Kevin Carr

(My takeaway: Build your marketing around extrinsic motivators and your coaching around intrinsic.)

2 Business Nuggets


Reactivate old clients with S.T.I.T.T. (Something To Invite Them Too).

Create an event. Having a reason to reach out makes it easy. Here’s your phone script:

“Hey {name}. I was just thinking of you and thought you might want to join us next Thursday. We’re hosting a charity workout for the humane society. (It’s free, but donations are welcome.) Can I put your name on the list?”

Call them on the phone. I know, crazy concept isn’t it?

Credit: Rachel Cosgrove


Follow the 10-5 rule in the gym.

When you’re 10 feet from a member, smile and make eye contact.

When you’re within 5 feet, verbally greet them.

Credit: Kevin Carr

1 Quote to Consider

“Say yes to opportunities before you feel like you’re ready––then figure it out.”

Andrew Coates

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Thanks for reading. And in the words of Miss Piggy, “Never eat more than you can lift.”


P.S. I’ll skip this game.

P.P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are a few ways I can help you.

1. Listen to the Obvious Choice Podcast (free)

2. For career development, buy my book, Ignite the Fire. (1,000+ 5-star reviews.)

3. For world class support, apply for my premium business mentorship.

Jonathan Goodman

Improving fitness trainers.

My IG: @itscoachgoodman

Free Software: QuickCoach

My Book: Ignite the Fire (1,000+ 5-star reviews)

My Course: Online Trainer Academy

My Mentorship: Online Trainer Mentorship

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