
[The Best] Invisible Stress: 5 Hidden Stressors That Can Wear Away at Your Health, and More

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Best Content of the Week

The last year and a half has taken “stress” to new levels, but I think there’s still a lot of confusion around stress and its role in our health. Trying to educate your clients on something so intangible can make it hard to convey how it can impact results.

As usual, Krista Scott-Dixon and Alisa Bowman from Precision Nutrition have done an excellent job breaking down a complex topic into digestible and actionable pieces in this week’s best article.

And speaking of stress—taking time off is one of the best ways to recover, so check out this week’s best video for tips on taking a vacation without losing income. Plus: Pre-empt any stress eating with a little help from this week’s best podcast, on nutrition-habit insights and advice.

— Esther Avant

Best Article

Invisible Stressors: Are They Sucking the Life Out of Your Health? — Krista Scott-Dixon, Alisa Bowman, Precision Nutrition

Some stressors, like a screaming infant, are easy to identify—you can see them. Others are intangible and, therefore, less obvious. They silently eat away at you throughout the day, leaving you tired and irritable, though you don’t know why. This week’s best article highlights five of these “invisible stressors” and offers actionable strategies for how to cope.

— Shane McLean

Best Video

Keeping Your Business Afloat When You Need a Break — Jess Freeman

One of the hardest parts about being a trainer is figuring out how to take time off without your income taking a huge hit. Online training has made it much easier to step away from your business while still generating passive income, but you have to be intentional about it. If you’d like to work less over the holidays, now is the time to be putting that plan in place. This week’s video walks you through the most important considerations.

— Esther Avant

Best Social Media Post


Posted by Paul Carter on September 29, 2021

Looking to build your quads? The front squat might come to mind. After all, it’s likely you’ve heard that this squat variation is “quad dominant”—but is it really? Paul Carter delivers the science to end (or begin?) this debate. According to previous studies, the front squat has no advantage for quads over other squat variations. Paul says if you’re looking to build the quads, there are many other ways to do so more efficiently. What do you think?

— Christina Abbey

Best Podcast

How to Build Your Nutrition Habit — James Cerbie with guest Ryan Andrews, Rebel Performance Radio

This week’s podcast packs a lot of useful and actionable information into one hour. Ryan Andrews discusses simple behavior change strategies as they relate to eating habits, time management, use of protein shakes, and performance. He also diverges into a discussion about healthy soil and environmental considerations of diet.

— Mike Howard

More Great Fitness Content

Getting Past Your Own BullshitBryan Krahn, bryankrahn.com

Retain Your Fitness ClientsCarl Hardwick and Georgia Smith, OPEX Fitness

Want More Confident Sales? — Annie Miller, @anniemiller.co 

Hate Tracking Your Food? Here’s Why. — Esther Avant, The Live Diet-Free Podcast

How to Create a Package That SellsJonathan Goodman and Amber Reynolds, The Online Trainer Show

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