
The Start of a New Chapter

In today’s episode of The Online Trainer Show, Jon and Amber chat about becoming a personal trainer despite the doubts of close friends and family members.

When are you going to get a real job?

PTDC founder Jonathan Goodman has heard the question asked of so many personal trainers: “So, when are you going to get a real job?”

As a third-generation immigrant, Jon dealt with family pressure to move into a middle- or upper-management position, like the rest of his family. Surrounded by doctors, accountants, dentists, and lawyers, it was initially tough for Jon to get his family to take his personal training career seriously.

Personal training can be a lonely road—but a worthwhile one nevertheless

Choosing a different path than the rest of his family, Jon realized early on that he’d be on his own as a personal trainer. He understood that his success in the personal training world would depend on his work ethic, and nothing else. While this can be a tough pill to swallow, it also makes for sweeter victories along the way.

While mentorship, certifications, and education are important for a successful personal training career, none of these factors can make up for the wisdom, insight, and success that come from building through your own experience.

Embracing failure: Online Trainer Academy program director Amber Reynolds explains

Growing a thick skin is key for success in the personal training industry, says Amber. She experienced the same phenomenon as Jon, in which family and friends expected her to eventually “grow up” and get a “real” job. Amber says that it’s key to keep your eye on your own goals and not give in to pressure from others to make a career change.

Full-circle moments in a personal training business

According to Jon, it’s interesting to see people come full circle. He’s had many moments when people in his life who have pursued more traditional careers—such as doctors and kinesiologists—come to say that they wish they’d pursued a similar path.

While getting up early, learning about self-marketing, and building a business from the ground up is hard, it’s well worth it for the freedom a personal training career can offer from the traditional nine-to-five grind.

Focus and consistency are key

Amber says that it’s vital for personal trainers to dedicate themselves to business-building behaviors and stay consistent over time. Many trainers start out doing the right things, but don’t stick with it long enough to see the fruits of their labor.

Both Jon and Amber agree that it’s important for personal trainers to keep the long game in mind when they’re walking this unconventional career path.

“It can be hard to see the diamond at the end of the tunnel … see over the mountain. But when you get there, it’s always sweeter,” says Jon of choosing to build a personal training business.

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