
(OTP#111) How to Use Social Media When You Hate Using Social Media

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The Episode: How to Use Social Media When You Hate Using Social Media

Here at the Online Trainer Show, we understand that using social media is something many people just cannot stand. While it is true that the constant work involved in putting ourselves out there online can feel like a stretch, there are definitely a few strategies to follow that make this process a little easier. For starters, it is important not to compare yourself to people who are further along in their audience-building journey. As long as you start with your existing network and platform, make sure your offer is consistent with your strategy, and get to know your audience as well as possible, your social media game will be as on point as it needs to be before you know it!

In This Episode

  • Being aware that not everybody is at the same stage in their journey [0:16:39]
  • You don’t have to repurpose content to different channels at first [0:18:35]
  • The value of starting your social media journey with your existing network [0:24:04]
  • Understanding your game and playing it better than anybody else [0:27:10]
  • Listening to the advice that is coming from inside your field [0:28:33]
  • Making more effective and less frequent posts by knowing you audience [0:29:42]
  • Creating franchises; or themed content that repeats on specific days [0:35:50]

“It’s not about number of followers. It’s about the quality of followers that you have.” — Carolina Belmares

Start with Where You Are

For many of us, the number of steps involved in building credibility around our offers can seem daunting. For this reason, a lot of people feel very negatively toward the social media side of marketing. One way of taking the pressure off is by remembering that the people who seem to be doing well online have most likely been at it for a long time. Your posts will never do this well off the bat, so don’t expect them to and then get disheartened when they don’t. Take things slow and start by posting on one platform. It is not necessary to obsessively repurpose a piece of content to get your messages heard by the right people and nab your first clients. Additionally, bear in mind that you will already have some loyal fans in your existing network of social media followers, so start by looking after them. A big following does not equate to a high conversion rate!

Play to Your Strengths

Many people who are trying to get into the coaching business are looking toward content creators for inspiration. The truth is that coaching and content creation are actually two completely separate businesses. You don’t need to be out there creating premium content every single day to build credibility as a coach. What you listen to and who you take advice from is very important. There is an old lesson that says that often the most important learnings reside in the details we pay the least attention to. So if you are wanting to excel as an online coach maybe it is time to stop placing all your focus on what content creators are doing, and do what you do best instead!

Be A Sniper, Not A Machine Gun

One of the things that make the social media game daunting is the false assumption that one has to be out there posting every second of the day. The truth is that throwing out content like there is no tomorrow is only a necessary strategy if you have no idea what your audience wants. If you get to know exactly who you serve, then you can be intentional about what you post, meaning you can post less because of the effectiveness of the posts that you do make. A final word of advice for feeling less daunted about posting consistently is around creating systems or ‘franchises’. If you give each day of the week a theme that you post according to, you will feel less like you are having to create ‘new’ content each time you make a new post.

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