
(OTP#115) What’s Your Programming Recipe?

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The Episode: What’s Your Programming Recipe?

It is quite common for newer trainers to struggle with confidence around their programming. In fact, most of us feel like we can always learn more, and want to constantly improve our programs no matter how far along we are. The reality is that all trainers do this part of their work slightly differently, and that is not a bad thing! Think of your program as containing your own unique flavor, a recipe using common ingredients that all trainers have, that is tailored to your skills and your clients’ needs. So lean into your strengths and style and deliver something worthwhile and helpful to the world!

In This Episode

  • The unique recipe that each trainer uses to create a program [0:17:39]
  • Common hurdles on the way to confident programming [0:21:35]
  • What our trainers do in their own workouts [0:25:24]
  • No two programs will be the same [0:35:29]

“Understand that people are going to come to you for your flavor of programming. Thrive on that. ” — Jonathan Goodman

Different and Unique Programs

It may be useful to think of trainers as chefs, creating different recipes and flavors with the same ingredients. Clients and trainers alike, need different things, and there is also a huge variation in terminology, combinations, and approach within the world of coaching. If you can continue to learn and adjust your unique ‘flavor’, adding ingredients and strategies as you go, you can both become more specialized, while also broadening your reach and impact!

Doubts About Programming

We often witness trainers dealing with feelings of inadequacy around their programming and that they are doing it wrong. This imposter syndrome shows more about the insecurities that creating programs elicits than anything else. The chances are that if you are available and helping your clients to move and exercise, the program is working to a certain extent. Another way to combat these fears is to have conversations and share information with other trainers. This way you can contextualize what you are doing while adding appropriately to your programs.

Adaptation and Formulation

In-person coaches generally have approaches that include more on-the-fly adaptation, whereas the online route leads to more strictly planned programs. There are so many unique recipes out there, with so much valuable variation, how you adapt and formulate your schedules is solely up to you. But the message here is to have some confidence in your own style, the dish that you are cooking, and bring that to the table so that people can enjoy it!

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