
(OTP#117) Sleep Training For Busy Folks

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The Episode: Sleep Training For Busy Folks

There are plenty of dangerous myths about entrepreneurship, running a business, and getting enough sleep. We believe getting a good night’s sleep as often as possible should be one of your highest priorities if you want to make progress in your life and coaching! In today’s conversation, we talk about some different approaches to winding down at the end of the day, avoiding things that detract from your rest, and some basic rules and boundaries that can aid your efforts to be on top of your game!

In This Episode

  • Sleep, preparedness, and increased productivity and efficiency [0:15:52]
  • The impact of life events such as parenthood [0:20:10]
  • Removing the things that detract from sleep [0:21:04]
  • Creating boundaries that can improve sleep patterns [0:23:41]
  • Finding the unique conditions that suit your needs [0:28:12]
  • Avoiding mixed-use of sleeping spaces and items [0:31:23]

“A lot of entrepreneurs suffer because they do work in bed, or they do work in the bedroom.” — Ren Jones

Better Sleep Habits

There is a popular myth that if you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, you need to sacrifice your sleep. This may be the route that some individuals take but it is definitely not a rule you should follow. All the evidence shows that good sleep is part of optimal health and performance. Now, sleep may look different for different people, at certain stages of life, as there are other factors to balance such as parenthood, and of course work responsibilities. This means it is necessary to have realistic expectations with regards to your sleep goals but does not mean it is impossible to always be well-rested!

Proactive Approaches to Sleep

Simple, practical strategies can make a big difference to the quality of your sleep, and while these differ from person to person, there are some good general rules to consider. Avoiding electronics before going to bed, and even in the bedroom at all, is becoming more and more widely accepted as a sleep-enhancing habit. The more you can turn your bedroom into a sanctuary, the more tightly your mind will associate that space with rest. Another good measure is to set boundaries for yourself and those you live with, around what you need in order to sleep well. These might be bedtimes or considerations in the evening and early morning. Routines and limitations can have a huge impact and are a reasonable request to make of those around you.

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